360 Degree Rotation Servo DS04-NFC in Pakistan




Its model is DS04-NFC.

It is for aerospace model or cars

It is also for robots.

Its weight is 38g.

Its dimensions are 40.8 x 20 x 39.5m

Its torque is 5.5kg / cm when we apply 4.8V.

Its speed is 0.22 sec / 60 when we apply 4.8V.

Its operating voltages are 4.8V to 6V.

Its operating temperature is 0 degrees to 60 degrees.

Its current is less than 1000mA.





Product Description of DS04-NFC 360 Degree Continuous Rotation Servo

This servo rotates about 360 angles. This is ideal for robotics and basic movement projects. It is designed for continuous rotation. It can be easily interfaced with the microcontroller for example Arduino. It works just like a regular service But it has a new feature that it rotates about 360 angles. It means it covers the whole circle. With the help of pulses, we can control the speed and direction of the servo motor. This package includes a servo horn and it can easily attach to a wheel. This DC servo is a 360-degree continuous rotation motor. And it can continue with both forward and backward. This servomotor model is DS04-NFC. And its weight is 38g.

This servomotor signal terminal needs to be input with 50Hz. The high-level pulse is used to control the signal cycle. This signal cycle can control speed. It can also control the forward and backward rotation as well as stalling. This high level corresponds to the speed. When the high level is 1 microsecond to 1.5 microseconds. The rotation speed will be fastest when it is 1 ms. The servo motor will stop if it reaches 1.5ms. And when the servo is between 1.5ms to 2ms then the servo rotates backward. The backward speed will be maximum if it will be at 2ms. This servo has a meso-position adjustment potentiometer. Users can set their high-level pulse at 1.5ms. Then observe whether the servo will stop rotating or not. If it does not stop then adjust that potentiometer until it does.



Its model is DS04-NFC.

It is for aerospace models or cars

It is also for robots.

Its weight is 38g.

Its dimensions are 40.8 x 20 x 39.5m

Its torque is 5.5k kg/cm when we apply 4.8V.

Its speed is 0.22 sec / 60 when we apply 4.8V.

Its operating voltages are 4.8V to 6V.

Its operating temperature is 0 degrees to 60 degrees.

Its current is less than 1000mA.